For the August-September 2018 NEBRASKAland magazine, Forsberg contributed a written story and photographs about the endangered saline wetlands found just north of Lincoln, Nebraska.
"Wetlands are among the most productive and biologically diverse habitats on earth. They are the kidneys of the landscape, filtering our water of pollutants and converting them to less harmful substances. They control flooding by giving water a place to go and slowing down runoff and allowing water to absorb back into the soil. They recharge local water tables and aquifers. Sadly, they have been viewed more as a nuisance or an impediment to progress in our country's brief history. Nebraska's eastern saline wetlands have also suffered extensive losses. However, there is hope as many people now recognize the importance of these wetlands and are taking actions toward Success in the Salt Marsh."
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Read here (page 26-38):